Skyline Hatch Events

The next session that is on offer to VCE students and staff is the GAT Preparation Masterclass. This live and online session will provide students with all the information they need to ace the General Achievement Test (GAT).

GAT Preparation Masterclass – Wednesday 12th June 5pm to 7pm

The presenters have prepared a fantastic masterclass which is live and online, and as with all our VCE HACK sessions. For those who are unable to attend live or wish to review the sessions, recordings will also be available from the following day.

The presenters and their associated topic areas are as follows:

Susan Malikoff – Writing Tasks

Oliver Sheng – STEM Questions

Joshua Strauss – Humanities Questions

This session is included in Hatch’s VCE Hack Series which comprises of the several support sessions for VCE Students. Other upcoming sessions include:

Procrastination Buster – Tuesday 23rd July

Exam Success – Wednesday 9th October

For more information on the different Hatch VCE Hack sessions, click HERE. See you soon!

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