Get Involved
As a not-for-profit social enterprise with DGR and charitable status, we rely heavily on the generosity and kindness of our supporters and funders. Donations enable us to curate a wrap-around care model for our students, and give them the best opportunity to succeed and flourish in the face of adversity.
There are many ways in which you or your business can support Skyline.
These Include:
- Make a Donation
- Workplace Giving
- Become a Corporate Partner
- Make a Bequest
- Register as a Volunteer
Make a Donation
Skyline identifies and supports students from across Victoria who have a high potential for education success but face a multitude of barriers.
Your donation will have a profound impact on our students’ lives, their families, and the communities they live in.
Donations are directly used to purchase student uniforms, textbooks, laptops and other resources that directly assist in the participation of school. As well as help pay school fees and levies, that otherwise might mean that student wouldn’t be able to attend school at all.
Donations can be made by electronic funds transfer to the following account:
Skyline Education Foundation Australia
BSB: 633000
ACCOUNT: 130354897
Please email Rebecca Hasler, Philanthropy Executive at: Rebecca@skylinefoundation.org.au so that we can issue a receipt accordingly.
Donations can be made by Stripe (including by credit card) using the below:

Rose’s Story
Growing up with a father who miraculously survived a car crash only to be in a coma for years. Skyline made it possible for Rose to finish school and successfully transition to university.
Inspired by her father’s challenges, she is now studying a Masters of Speech Pathology at the University of Melbourne.
You can support high ability students like Rose to thrive in their final two years of school to become our leaders of tomorrow.
Turn adversity into opportunity and help us put students like Rose through VCE next year!
Discover more student’s experiences here.

workplace Giving
By giving as little as $20 out of each pay through the Skyline Education Foundation Australia’s Workplace Giving program you can make a real contribution to our students.
You can sign up to commence Workplace Giving by contacting your payroll officer to commence deduction.
The Skyline Education Foundation strives to make a lasting difference in the lives of high ability students who show resilience in the face of challenge – those who can make a major contribution to the world, but with little or no ability to change the circumstances of their background.
A growing number of workplaces are looking to make a meaningful impact toward supporting organisations such as the Skyline Foundation. By contributing in this way, you are helping to ensure the ongoing impact of Skyline Education Foundation Australia for those in need in our community.
By giving as little as $20 out of each pay through the Skyline Education Foundation Australia’s Workplace Giving program you can make a real contribution to our students.
To commence Workplace Giving, contact us below to express your interest and we can supply an information pack that you can then pass on to your HR department or your payroll officer to begin deductions.

Become a Corporate Partner
Whether it is use of your office space for an event or meeting, an annual donation, establishing a corporate workplace giving program, a fun run, or volunteering there are many ways that your organisation can become a valued Skyline partner.
When Skyline’s founder educational psychologist the late John S Cheetham established the Skyline Education Foundation, he did so, understanding the power of education to make a lasting difference in the lives of highly able young people with the intellectual capacity to make a major contribution to the world, but little or no ability to change the circumstances of their background.
Your organisation can become a valued Skyline Partner in many ways!
Please consider:
- Making an annual or ongoing donation
- Offering volunteers to support Skyline’s work
- Providing Pro-Bono services
- Hosting a function in your facilities
- Sponsoring a Skyline Education Foundation Australia event·
- Introducing Skyline to aligned clients or colleagues
- Supporting your employees to regularly donate through pay roll to Skyline
To discuss your interest in becoming a Skyline Corporate Partner, please Contact Us.
Make a Bequest
A growing number of Australians are seeking to leave a lasting legacy of giving through bequests or charitable trusts.
By contributing in this way, you are helping to ensure the ongoing impact of Skyline Education Foundation Australia for those in need in our community.
When Skyline’s founder educational psychologist the late John S Cheetham established the Skyline Education Foundation, he did so, understanding the power of education to make a lasting difference in the lives of gifted and academically talented young people with the intellectual ability to make a major contribution to the world, but little or no ability to change the circumstances of their background.
The Foundation provides this capacity through the development of a sustainable and secure funding stream via our investment corpus. Through a prudent and controlled investment strategy, our corpus will generate income that will serve our community in perpetuity.
A growing number of Australians are seeking to leave a lasting legacy of giving through bequests or charitable trusts. By contributing in this way, you are helping to ensure the ongoing impact of Skyline Education Foundation Australia for those in need in our community.
There is 4 main types of Bequests:
1) Residual: This is the remainder of your estate after you leave gifts to loved ones
2) Percentage or fractional: This is a gift expressed as a percentage of your estate
3) Pecuniary: This is a specific gift that can be money, property, stocks or shares
4) Whole estate: This comprises your entire estate
To assist you in leaving a Bequest to Skyline Education Foundation Australia in your Will we provide the following standard clause for your discretion:
“I give the sum of $xxxxx (or xx% of my estate) to SKYLINE EDUCATION FOUNDATION AUSTRALIA (ABN 40 120 737 724) of Our Community House 552 Victoria Street, Wurundjeri Country, North Melbourne, Victoria 3051 Australia for its general purposes, and I DIRECT that a receipt issued by the Treasurer, Chief Executive Officer or other authorised officer shall be full and sufficient discharge to my executor/s.”
Please discuss with your legal professional prior to making a Bequest to Skyline Education Foundation Australia in your Will. To discuss your interest in leaving a bequest, please contact us at the bottom of the page.
To read more about making or changing your Will see the Victoria Legal Aid guide here.

Register as a Volunteer
Share your skills, meet new people and have fun while helping Skyline Education Foundation Australia to support students or raise funds!
Our volunteering activities include:
- Supporting student activities eg. travelling with students to Program engagements
- Helping with fundraising activities eg. event set up and pack up, selling raffle tickets
If you would like to register as a Volunteer contact us with the form below.