
Exam Revision Series

For the fourth year running, social enterprise Skyline Hatch hosts its free VCE Exam Revision Series to help thousands of Victorian Students this September

With more than 40 000 Students getting ready to finish out their VCE in 2023 with exams from October there is no better time to share that the Skyline Hatch VCE Exam Revision Series has opened for registrations from Schools and VCE Students for the educational event that will be held from September 25 – 28  The best news? It is offered completely free of charge, with no cost to any one – whether it’s an entire school cohort or an individual student.

Born in the times of Covid, this popular event has survived and thrived to help thousands of VCE Students every year with its free VCE revision Sessions delivered live and online. This year will see the social enterprise run twelve sessions over the four day event in a range of VCE Subjects facilitated by a high achieving team of recent graduates.  

General Manager of Skyline Hatch, Sally Watts, spoke to the value of peer to peer learning that the series embraces in its delivery.

“The team is undoubtedly passionate about learning and this shines through in every Session that is delivered. We find that graduates can be far more relatable and their recent memory of the VCE experience offers up a different perspective to what a teacher or school may share.” 

And the numbers don’t lie, over the last four years the Series has welcomed thousands of Students to take part, and the overwhelming majority of those walk away feeling more confident, and more prepared, for what lies ahead. But beyond the numbers it is the comments from the student attendees that are heartwarming and deeply motivating, as lead English tutor and event coordinator Susan Malikoff shared;

“It is one thing to see the zoom chat filled with great questions and student engagement but it is another to hear that the (VCE ERS) Session was the missing piece a Student needed to help them on the way to VCE Exams.”

An attendee to one of the 12 sessions in 2022 agreed, “​​The session was incredibly engaging and assisted me greatly in allowing me to identify strategies to approach revision for business management. The presenter was very knowledgeable and provided clear yet concise answers to questions posed by the audience (myself included). Everything was easily understood!”.

Principal of Nossal High School, Roger Page, is a passionate advocate for the academic support and events offered by Skyline Hatch.   “Our Students were particularly impressed with the resources provided, but more importantly, valued the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any grey areas or concerns they had.  The presenters were very open and responsive and provided valuable and concrete hints and useful suggestions.”

It is a point of pride for Skyline Hatch to meet the Student where they are at in a way that makes VCE preparation more effective. Mr Page agreed, commenting on Hatch delivering more than plain academic content, he remarked, “Many of our Students do not feel that they needed more content – “the what” – but were looking for hints and processes to manage the exams and apply their knowledge – “the how” – and Hatch delivers this through the Exam Revision Series”

The Skyline Hatch VCE Exam Revision Series will be running from September 25 to 28.  Skyline Hatch is welcoming registrations from individual students as well as cohorts nominated by Schools on behalf of their Students. For the current timetable, more information and to register please head to https://skyline.org.au/vce-exam-revision-series-2023/ or reach out to sally@skylinefoundation.org.au 

Skyline Hatch is a social enterprise initiative of Skyline Education Foundation Australia that exists to reduce educational inequity by providing VCE students navigating economic and social adversity access to high quality educational resources.

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