Girmay Mengesha (Skyline 2009) – Community Leadership in Action

A silver lining on the dark COVID cloud is that it has given us an opportunity to reconnect and support Alumni we haven’t heard from in years.

A wonderful example of this is when Girmay Mengesha (Skyline 2009) was seen in the news by our original Program Manager, Vicki McConchie. Girmay displayed extraordinary leadership and community service when the towers went into hard lockdown. He stepped up and became the spokesperson for his 3,000 fellow residents as he represented their views to the police, local agencies and media, both local and international. Vicki immediately reached out to Girmay and introduced him to the current Skyline team, leading to the rekindling of an awesome connection.

Girmay has since joined us for an inspirational conversation at our weekly Skyline Connect event where he shared his incredible story and left all of us completely in awe. We are delighted to now be supporting him with the COVID Fighting Fund and he is giving back to Skyline as a mentor of current Students and Alumni.

It’s a real pleasure to have Girmay active in our wonderful community again.

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