Financial and Social Adversity Considerations
When identifying students who could benefit from the Skyline Program, there are a number of factors that are taken into account, and adversity is identified through their collective impact.
Students may experience a combination of such hardships, or can be impacted from a significant singular difficulty that has ramifications.
All students seeking support from Skyline and a place in the program will need to provide evidence of financial need as well as social challenges where applicable.
While this page aims to outline and identify financial and social factors that could impact students’ ability to complete their VCE, the scope of such difficulties can extend beyond the list below, and all hardships will be considered
- Employment status of parent/s / guardian/ carers?
- Source of family income; is the family in receipt of Centrelink payments?
- Does the student receive a youth allowance?
- Is the student living independently?
- How is the student financially supported?
- Has the family suffered severe financial trauma, debt?
- Does the student work to contribute to household expenses?
- What is the size of the family?
- How many dependent children/persons are there in the household?
- Is the student living away from family and what are the reasons for this?
- Are there legal or other circumstances affecting the student? e.g., parent incarcerated
- What is the level of family stability?
- Is English an additional language?
- Is the family able to provide basic educational resources (e.g., books, laptop, uniform, etc.)
- Is the family able to provide adequate working conditions for the student (e.g., quiet space, desk, etc.)
- Has the student experienced, or does the student have specific needs – diagnosed/ undiagnosed? (e.g. but not limited to neurodiversity, gender identity needs, physical impairment needs)
- Does the student have any health issues that may affect their opportunity for higher education?
- Are there family health issues that require the student to devote time away from their studies?
- Do health issues cause financial stress on family?
- Has the student had exposure to positive role modelling of success in higher education and/or professional career pathways?
- Does the student have the support of family/carers in setting high aspirations and pursuing pathway of choice?