Alumni, Felicia Nguyen’s Gumball Machine UooUoo a part of Art Trail

Congratulations to our Alumni Felicia Nguyen for her amazing contribution to The Royal Children’s Hospital 150th Anniversary Me and UooUoo Anniversary Art Trail.

Felicia’s Gumball Machine UooUoo highlights the once common lolly gadgets that have disappeared from our world. Is it because they were designed to be short and in a child’s line of sight? Maybe we stopped noticing the things that spark a child’s mind? Nowadays we see young people on their devices and while they are products of imagination, where did all the gumball machines go? This UooUoo hopes to reignite that childlike joy.

What is an UooUoo?

UooUoo (pronounced you-you) has been created by award-winning Melbourne artist Alexander Knox, who also created the iconic sculpture ‘Creature’ that stands in the main foyer of the RCH.

UooUoo is an imaginary Australian creature whose shape is loosely drawn from the wombat and dugong. A mysterious being, UooUoo is highly empathetic, playful and brave, but can be mischievous at times.

Check out Felicia’s wonderful design here –

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